Champions Breakfast

It is a bright new day, *another opportunity to do something about the future you want for yourself*. Every new day is an opportunity to do part of what was left behind yesterday and little out of what the future require.

Don't let today be another ordinary day. Do something to make it a great day. *Take a step toward your future*. Do not postpone your dream. start now.

Start writing the book, start preparing the proposal, *make the call,* start the business with the little you have, *share the Idea with someone,* write the song, check out the studio, *apply for the scholarship,* register for the program, *propose to her*, write the poem, start gathering the right team, contact that publisher and make your dream a reality.

Ensure you do all you can  about your dream today as this will stead you a great future. A journey of thousand miles begin with a step, *so don't be afraid to start.* I want to be part of your success story.
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