Nigerian Wishes His Society To Be Like Many Of Those In Europe And North America! By Obinna Aligwekwe

The average Nigerian wishes his society to be like many of those in Europe and North America that he admires so much.

Truth is;

Aside from the curse of inept leadership, the average Nigerian lacks the basic ingredient that is required for society to even make marginal progress.

That trait is CONSISTENCY.

Much as the cultures of many first world nations differ, this trait is a common denominator amongst all nations making meaningful progress.

A culture of "anywhere belle face" both literally and figuratively even among the educated, will always ensure we get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to electing leaders.

The situation where a leader who spent the greater part of six months selecting a cabinet, and the greater part of the year in Hospital, can have Bachelor's Masters and PHD holders casualise and defend this unfortunate situation, is a serious pointer that our journey is much farther than anyone can conceive.

I thank goodness that on a personal level, I still have options.

People who argue Nigeria is a lost case, MAY have a point.
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