There is an App for almost everything, from health, to productivity to entertainment and sports; work and play are now a touch away. The average Android phone user has between 20 and 40 Apps installed on their device, and this is by very conservative estimates. It may surprise you that most people only use ten percent of the Apps on their devices frequently. Social Apps are the most visited. Facebook, for instance has 83 percent penetration in Nigeria, a huge chunk of the Tech giant’s Africa bounty.
Like most people I’m a huge fan of social media, but I’m also interested in productivity Apps and there are a lot of them on Google Playstore.
Most Apps start as problems.
Entrepreneurship sometimes means that you have to do more than one thing in your startup to grow it. You will wear many hats, and often times you will find yourself thinking about how to improve your systems and processes, and make them more efficient. On occasions like this you might stumble on new ideas that you implement; sometimes, you end up tweaking what’s available.
At Keyhole Media, we contact a stipulated number of prospects daily; and keeping a list we call our "PROSPECT'S LIST" enables us record our prospect's data, keep marketing efforts organized, and track the progress made on each prospect. If you look at the list in the image below, you will notice the last column labelled STATUS/NOTES. This is the most important column on the tabulated list, because it tells you what has been done, and what next to do.
For instance, if you have contacted a certain prospect and they asked for a meeting, you have to log that in as the status on the prospect. After the meeting, you are also supposed to log in the new status which might read: Meeting held. Requested Quotation. This immediately tells you that the next step on this particular prospect is to prepare a quotation. The status is continually updated until the deal is closed. The Challenge is that of space, organization and automation.
I need a mobile App specifically designed to perform the following functions:
1. Serve as a database for our prospect’s information – Name, Website, Social Media, Addresses, Emails, Key Personnel Phone Numbers, and Status.
2. Keep a record of all calls and correspondence with prospects
3. Daily reminders of prospects and their status. For example: POP UP - Eko Pearl Towers. Status. Contacted Key Personnel. Requested for storyboard. Sent. Awaiting response.
4. The reminders should pop up on the screen, and allow you to choose from a variety of options like Call, Whatsapp, Social Media, Website, Email. You should be able to perform any of the functions from the App which will sync with your emails, phone dialer, social media accounts, and calendar.
5. When a deal is closed, the prospects data is moved to a CLOSED folder, retaining the contacts after deleting all the status updates
6. The prospects should be categorized as NEW, IN-PROGRESS, AND UNRESPONSIVE. Prospects will be categorized as unresponsive after 30 days. After 30 days, notifications for unresponsive prospects should appear weekly, instead of daily.
7. The App should serve like a pocket electronic dairy that enables the user store prospect's contacts, keep track of engagement with the prospect and work on the go.
8. One should easily be able to see the status of a particular prospect using a short-cut key, so that you know what to do immediately. Send an email? Call? Basically just a FOLLOW UP APP.
There are more functions the App might be able to perform, but these are the basics for now.
So who’s up for the challenge? What’s up for grabs I hear you ask?
I am offering the developer of this app exclusive rights to sell the App to other organizations. Marketers in Banking, Insurance, Real-Estate and Advertising will find it very useful. I’m offering you a business opportunity. I want people who are thinking bigger than I am, who can take this simple idea and make into a useful tool that will benefit a lot of people. I can always stick to my list, and forget about even making this post, but that’s not what entrepreneurs do.
 Entrepreneurs look for ways to solve problems and add value. They empower people. If you are the right developer for this app, kindly inbox and we can discuss the terms.

Written By Tchidi Jacobs
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