Sex Instrument Of Caution And Auction

Certainly, sex proves to be an indiscreet woman's effective instrument of caution - the fastest way to auction her man too!

Female Psychologists world over contend with their male counterparts on the controversial question of effectiveness of sex as a woman's instrument of punishment for her husband.

This subject, and the ironic twists, is still on the heat, defying consensus! It behooves on relative strength of understanding, application and discretion of women to agree or disagree with self on this. Is it proper for a woman to deny her husband sex as mode of punishment? What are the implications?

However, recent comparative studies by sex therapists and marriage counselors confirm the efficacy of this mode of punishment, but hasten to caution that 90% of such moves boomeranged.

Caution is the watchword; it is recommended that women "price low" on body-weapon (withdrawal of sex) as instrument of power over husbands. Sex, naturally is not a man's privilege rendered as favour, it is rather a man's prerogative; a ritual, routine, right of passage!

Feminist theories run riot; also sound, plausible and permissible, but generally misleading. Women; dedicated ones who are inclined towards success in marriage, are strongly advised to play down on feminist ideals and direct focus at peculiar circumstances attending their homes.

A case study: Let's call him simply Rotimi, a friend and professional colleague, a doctoral research fellow. Rotimi's story is a clear case of a woman chasing a sex-starved man out into the waiting warm embrace of another woman.

 Rotimi, a young, handsome, also an Insurance Broker, reveals with mixed feeling of guilt and conquest: "on this day, my female colleague, Nike, said to me, after I'd resisted her for several months, that I'd be free to have her body and soul at will.

 I was elated! I ended up in her apartment for days, she meant every bit of it, and that changed my life - for good with her, and bad for my marriage. Each time my wife closed up at home, Nike opened up. I started enjoying the contrast; falling in love with Nike."

Who's to blame, indiscrete wife, denied husband, or generous and caring Nike? Blame seems neither here nor there!

Beware ladies, next time you contemplate sex denial as instrument of caution, it may rather serve as the fastest way to auction your man - there's always a generous female bidder lurking around the corner.

A sex-starved husband is a vulnerable man!

Written By Vivian Jonathan Iwuoha

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