Trump Is The Right Man For America

For the first time they are meeting in the white house. A suppose to be 15 minutes meeting took 90 minutes.
Strong man billionaire President Trump.

Did you noticed how Obama's other hand looked so tense? Haha

In 2011 over a dinner speech in Washington Hotel, Obama and Seth Meyer joked and made fun of having somebody like Donald Trump as president in the white house. 

The carton shows of Trump was really embarrassing to Trump while the guests had their fill with laughter.

Inside that dinner hall was the moment Trump decided to become a president.

Today he shook Obama's hand inside the white house for the first time as the POTUS Elect with that body language of "Next time don't joke with me" to Obama.

 I reckon Trump to go ahead and decorate White House with some touch of purple if he wants. Dreams do come true.

Result is the name of the game!

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